AWS examples in C# – basic DynamoDB operations

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Post summary: Code examples with DynamoDB write and read operations.

This post is part of AWS examples in C# – working with SQS, DynamoDB, Lambda, ECS series. The code used for this series of blog posts is located in aws.examples.csharp GitHub repository. In the current post, I give practical code examples of how to work with DynamoDB.

Instantiate Amazon DynamoDB client

In the current examples, in SqsReader project, a configuration class called AppConfig is used. Its values are injected from the environment variables by .NET Core framework in Startup class. In order to work with DynamoDB, a client is needed. The DynamoDB client interface is called IAmazonDynamoDB and comes from AWS C# SDK. The NuGet package is called AWSSDK.DynamoDBv2. The concrete AWS client implementation is AmazonDynamoDBClient and an object is instantiated in DynamoDbClientFactory class and used as a singleton. RegionEndpoint is used to instantiate AmazonDynamoDBConfigAwsCredentials class extends the AWS’ abstract AWSCredentials and is used in order to manage the credentials.


public static AmazonDynamoDBClient CreateClient(AppConfig appConfig)
	var dynamoDbConfig = new AmazonDynamoDBConfig
		RegionEndpoint = RegionEndpoint.GetBySystemName(appConfig.AwsRegion)
	var awsCredentials = new AwsCredentials(appConfig);
	return new AmazonDynamoDBClient(awsCredentials, dynamoDbConfig);


public class AwsCredentials : AWSCredentials
	private readonly AppConfig _appConfig;

	public AwsCredentials(AppConfig appConfig)
		_appConfig = appConfig;

	public override ImmutableCredentials GetCredentials()
		return new ImmutableCredentials(_appConfig.AwsAccessKey,
						_appConfig.AwsSecretKey, null);


public class AppConfig
	public string AwsRegion { get; set; }
	public string AwsAccessKey { get; set; }
	public string AwsSecretKey { get; set; }

Creating tables

DatabaseClient class that uses and exposes just a few methods of IAmazonDynamoDB is custom created. It checks if the table is created and if it is not, then it creates the table. Afterward, it waits for the table to become in status ACTIVE. Movies and Actors tables creation is done in separate classes with CreateTableRequest, which needs the table name. KeySchema specifies the attributes that build the primary key for a table or an index. The attributes must also be defined in the AttributeDefinitions list. KeyType has two possible values – HASH and RANGE. In the case of the Movies table, there is only a HASH key, which is always mandatory and unique, this means no two items can have the same partition key value, the second insert overwrites the first one. In the case of the Actors table, along with the partition key, there is also a sort key with KeyType of RANGE which is complimentary to the HASH. I have not used secondary indexes in the current example, but DynamoDB provides this functionality. They can be defined with GlobalSecondaryIndexes and LocalSecondaryIndexes elements of the CreateTableRequest. A stream is defined with StreamSpecification element in the CreateTableRequest, its StreamViewType is NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES. This means that in case of add, update or delete, the DynamoDBEvent, which is later used in a lambda, holds both the new values and the old values of the item. ProvisionedThroughput is used to set the read and write capacity mode. In the current example, it is 5 capacity units for reading and the same for writing. The ProvisionedThroughput is needed because the default BillingMode is PROVISIONED. It can be changed to PAY_PER_REQUEST and then ProvisionedThroughput should not be specified. A more detailed explanation of each parameter can be found in AWS examples in C# – create a service working with DynamoDB post.


public async Task CreateTableAsync()
	var request = new CreateTableRequest
		TableName = TableName,
		KeySchema = new List<KeySchemaElement>
			new KeySchemaElement
				AttributeName = "Title",
				KeyType = "HASH"
		AttributeDefinitions = new List<AttributeDefinition>
			new AttributeDefinition
				AttributeName = "Title",
				AttributeType = "S"
		ProvisionedThroughput = new ProvisionedThroughput
			ReadCapacityUnits = 5,
			WriteCapacityUnits = 5
		StreamSpecification = new StreamSpecification
			StreamEnabled = true,
			StreamViewType = StreamViewType.NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES

	await _client.CreateTableAsync(request);


public async Task CreateTableAsync()
	var request = new CreateTableRequest
		TableName = TableName,
		KeySchema = new List<KeySchemaElement>
			new KeySchemaElement
				AttributeName = "FirstName",
				KeyType = "HASH"
			new KeySchemaElement
				AttributeName = "LastName",
				KeyType = "RANGE"
		AttributeDefinitions = new List<AttributeDefinition>
		   new AttributeDefinition
				AttributeName = "FirstName",
				AttributeType = "S"
			new AttributeDefinition
				AttributeName = "LastName",
				AttributeType = "S"
		ProvisionedThroughput = new ProvisionedThroughput
			ReadCapacityUnits = 5,
			WriteCapacityUnits = 5
		StreamSpecification = new StreamSpecification
			StreamEnabled = true,
			StreamViewType = StreamViewType.NEW_AND_OLD_IMAGES

	await _client.CreateTableAsync(request);


private const string StatusUnknown = "UNKNOWN";
private const string StatusActive = "ACTIVE";

private readonly IAmazonDynamoDB _client;

public DatabaseClient(IAmazonDynamoDB client)
	_client = client;

public async Task CreateTableAsync(CreateTableRequest createTableRequest)
	var status = await GetTableStatusAsync(createTableRequest.TableName);
	if (status != StatusUnknown)

	await _client.CreateTableAsync(createTableRequest);

	await WaitUntilTableReady(createTableRequest.TableName);

public async Task PutItemAsync(PutItemRequest putItemRequest)
	await _client.PutItemAsync(putItemRequest);

private async Task<string> GetTableStatusAsync(string tableName)
		var response = await _client.DescribeTableAsync(new DescribeTableRequest
			TableName = tableName
		return response?.Table.TableStatus;
	catch (ResourceNotFoundException)
		return StatusUnknown;

private async Task WaitUntilTableReady(string tableName)
	var status = await GetTableStatusAsync(tableName);
	for (var i = 0; i < 10 && status != StatusActive; ++i)
		await Task.Delay(500);
		status = await GetTableStatusAsync(tableName);

Different programmatic interfaces

In AWS examples in C# – create a service working with DynamoDB post, I have explained more details about the three different programmatic interfaces, that DynamoDB offers, a low-level interface, document interface, and object persistence interface.

Writing using the low-level interface

The low-level interface lets the consumer manage all the details and do the data mapping. Here is an example of how to create an Actor using the low-level interface. Data is mapped manually to its proper data type. In this case, the actor.FirstName and actor.LastName is assigned to the S property of the AttributeValue, which is a string type.

private readonly IDatabaseClient _client;
public async Task SaveActorAsync(Actor actor)
	var request = new PutItemRequest
		TableName = TableName,
		Item = new Dictionary<string, AttributeValue>
			{"FirstName", new AttributeValue {S = actor.FirstName}},
			{"LastName", new AttributeValue {S = actor.LastName}}
	await _client.PutItemAsync(request);

The full code is in ActorsRepository.cs.

Writing using the object persistence interface

With the object persistency interface, client classes are mapped to DynamoDB tables. The example given below comes from the original AWS documentation and shows explicit mapping. With DynamoDBTable the mapping to the table is created, then DynamoDBHashKey and DynamoDBRangeKey annotate the keys. With DynamoDBProperty a specific name can be given, so it is different from the table field name. Title is directly mapped to Title field in the database table. DynamoDBIgnore attribute ignores writing and reading this particular property to and from the table.

public class Book
	public int Id { get; set; }

	public string Title { get; set; }

	public int ISBN { get; set; }

	public List<string> BookAuthors { get; set; }

	public string CoverPage { get; set; }

To save the client-side objects to the tables, the object persistence model provides the DynamoDBContext class, an entry point to DynamoDB. This class provides a connection to DynamoDB and enables you to access tables and perform various CRUD operations. The current examples are slightly different since Movie model is very simple, there are no DynamoDB attributes on it, so DynamoDBContext uses its default mapping features to map them. The movie has two properties, Title, which is a string and is the HASH key in the table and Genre, which is an enum, practically an integer.

public enum MovieGenre
	[EnumMember(Value = "Action Movie")]
	[EnumMember(Value = "Drama Movie")]

public class Movie
	public string Title { get; set; }

	public MovieGenre Genre { get; set; }

Since there is no DynamoDBTable attribute of the model, then DynamoDBContext is trying to map it by default to a table with the name Movie, but such a table does not exist. This is why DynamoDBOperationConfig is needed to map to the correct table name.

private readonly IDynamoDBContext _context;

public async Task SaveMovieAsync(Movie movie)
	var operationConfig = new DynamoDBOperationConfig
		OverrideTableName = "Movies"
	await _context.SaveAsync(movie, operationConfig);

The full code is in MoviesRepository.cs. Object persistence interface is a wide topic, full details can be found in .NET: Object Persistence Model page.

Querying using the low-level interface

An example is given for query request for Actors table that has FirstName as a HASH key and LastName as RANGE key. Important here is KeyConditionExpression, it holds the actual query. It is called a query, but it not actually a query in terms of RDBMS way of thinking, as the HASH key should be only used with an equality operator. For the RANGE key, there is a variety of operators to be used, in the example given equality operator is used as well. To add value to the value placeholder, :FirstName in the example, ExpressionAttributeValues is used. The dictionary key is the placeholder value, and AttributeValue is the value mapped to a specific value type, in the example, it is S, for a string. It is also possible to give placeholder value for the table field name as well, which is then replaced with the actual value in ExpressionAttributeNames dictionary, such as #LastName.

private static QueryRequest BuildQueryRequest(string firstName, string lastName)
	var request = new QueryRequest("Actors")
		KeyConditionExpression = "FirstName = :FirstName"
	request.ExpressionAttributeValues.Add(":FirstName", new AttributeValue
		S = firstName

	if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastName))
		request.KeyConditionExpression += " AND #LastName = :LastName";
		request.ExpressionAttributeNames.Add("#LastName", "LastName");
		request.ExpressionAttributeValues.Add(":LastName", new AttributeValue
			S = lastName

	return request;

The full code is in ActorsHandler.cs. More about DynamoDB queries can be found in DynamoDB API_Query page.

Get item using document interface

The document programming interface returns the full document by its unique HASH key. The table is accessed with public static Table LoadTable(IAmazonDynamoDB ddbClient, TableConfig config) and then the document is loaded with public Task<Document> GetItemAsync(Primitive hashKey). In current examples, a proxy class is defined, which isolates the IAmazonDynamoDB operations:


public async Task<Document> GetDocumentAsync(string tableName, string documentKey)
	var table = Table.LoadTable(_dynamoDbClient, new TableConfig(tableName));
	return await table.GetItemAsync(new Primitive(documentKey));


var document = await _dynamoDbReader.GetDocumentAsync(TableName, title);

var movie = new Movie
	Title = document["Title"],
	Genre = (MovieGenre)int.Parse(document["Genre"])

The document is actually a JSON.

	"Title": {
		"Value": "Die Hard",
		"Type": 0
	"Genre": {
		"Value": "0",
		"Type": 1

The full code is in MoviesHandler.cs.


In the current post, I have given practical code examples of how to do the basic DynamoDB operations in C#. This post is complimentary to AWS examples in C# – create a service working with DynamoDB post.

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