Automation Rhapsody

MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256 and SHA-512 speed performance

For Implement secure API authentication over HTTP with Dropwizard post, a one-way hash function was needed. Several factors are important when choosing hash algorithm: security, speed, and purpose of use.


MD5 and SHA-1 are compromised. Those shall not be used unless their speed is several times slower than SHA-256 or SHA-512. Other that remain are SHA-256 and SHA-512. They are from SHA-2 family and are much more secure. SHA-256 is computed with 32-bit words, SHA-512 with 64-bit words.

Hash implementations

For generating cryptographic hashes in Java there is Apache Commons Codec library which is very convenient.

Speed performance

In order to test the speed sample code is used:
import java.util.UUID;

import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang.time.StopWatch;

public class Test {

    private static final int TIMES = 1_000_000;
    private static final String UUID_STRING = UUID.randomUUID().toString();

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("MD5: " + md5());
        System.out.println("SHA-1: " + sha1());
        System.out.println("SHA-256: " + sha256());
        System.out.println("SHA-512: " + sha512());

    public static long md5() {
        StopWatch watch = new StopWatch();
        for (int i = 0; i < TIMES; i++) {
        return watch.getTime();

    public static long sha1() {
        return watch.getTime();

    public static long sha256() {
        return watch.getTime();

    public static long sha512() {
        return watch.getTime();

    public static String generateStringToHash() {
        return UUID.randomUUID().toString() + System.currentTimeMillis();

Several measurements were done. Two groups - one with smaller length string to hash and one with longer. Each group had following variations of generateStringToHash() method:

  • cached UUID - no extra time should be consumed
  • cached UUID + current system time - in this case, time is consumed to get system time
  • new UUID + current system time - in this case, time is consumed for generating the UUID and to get system time

Raw results

Five measurements were made for each case an average value calculated. Time is in milliseconds per 1 000 000 calculations. The system is 64 bits Windows 10 with 1 core Intel i7 2.60GHz and 16GB RAM.
  • generateStringToHash() with: return UUID_STRING;
Data to encode is ~36 characters in length (f5cdcda7-d873-455f-9902-dc9c7894bee0). UUID is cached and time stamp is not taken. No additional time is wasted.
Hash #1 (ms) #2 (ms) #3 (ms) #4 (ms) #5 (ms) Average per 1M (ms)
MD5 649 623 621 624 620 627.4
SHA-1 608 588 630 600 594 604
SHA-256 746 724 741 720 758 737.8
SHA-512 1073 1055 1050 1052 1052 1056.4
  • generateStringToHash() with: return UUID_STRING + System.currentTimeMillis();
Data to encode is ~49 characters in length (aa096640-21d6-4f44-9c49-4115d3fa69381468217419114). UUID is cached.
Hash #1 (ms) #2 (ms) #3 (ms) #4 (ms) #5 (ms) Average per 1M (ms)
MD5 751 789 745 806 737 765.6
SHA-1 768 765 694 763 751 748.2
SHA-256 842 876 848 839 850 851
SHA-512 1161 1152 1164 1154 1163 1158.8
  • generateStringToHash() with: return UUID.randomUUID().toString() + System.currentTimeMillis();
Data to encode is ~49 characters in length (1af4a3e1-1d92-40e7-8a74-7bb7394211e01468216765464). New UUID is generated on each calculation so time for its generation is included in total time.
Hash #1 (ms) #2 (ms) #3 (ms) #4 (ms) #5 (ms) Average per 1M (ms)
MD5 1505  1471 1518 1463 1487 1488.8
SHA-1 1333 1309 1323 1326 1334 1325
SHA-256 1505 1496 1507 1498 1516 1504.4
SHA-512 1834 1827 1833 1836 1857 1837.4
  • generateStringToHash() with: return UUID_STRING + UUID_STRING;
Data to encode is ~72 characters in length (57149cb6-991c-4ffd-9c98-d823ee8a61f757149cb6-991c-4ffd-9c98-d823ee8a61f7). UUID is cached and time stamp is not taken. No additional time is wasted.
Hash #1 (ms) #2 (ms) #3 (ms) #4 (ms) #5 (ms) Average per 1M (ms)
MD5 856 824 876 811 828 839
SHA-1 921 896 970 904 893 916.8
SHA-256 1145 1137 1241 1141 1177 1168.2
SHA-512 1133 1131 1116 1102 1110 1118.4
  • generateStringToHash() with: return UUID_STRING + UUID_STRING + System.currentTimeMillis();
Data to encode is ~85 characters in length (759529c5-1f57-4167-b289-899c163c775e759529c5-1f57-4167-b289-899c163c775e1468218673060). UUID is cached.
Hash #1 (ms) #2 (ms) #3 (ms) #4 (ms) #5 (ms) Average per 1M (ms)
MD5 1029 1035 1034 1012 1037 1029.4
SHA-1 1008 1016 1027 1007 990 1009.6
SHA-256 1254 1249 1290 1259 1248 1260
SHA-512 1228 1221 1232 1230 1226 1227.4
  • generateStringToHash() with: final String randomUuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); return randomUuid + randomUuid + System.currentTimeMillis();
Data to encode is ~85 characters in length (2734b31f-16db-4eba-afd5-121d0670ffa72734b31f-16db-4eba-afd5-121d0670ffa71468217683040). New UUID is generated on each calculation so time for its generation is included in total time.
Hash #1 (ms) #2 (ms) #3 (ms) #4 (ms) #5 (ms) Average per 1M (ms)
MD5 1753 1757 1739 1751 1691 1738.2
SHA-1 1634 1634 1627 1634 1633 1632.4
SHA-256 1962 1956 1988 1988 1924 1963.6
SHA-512 1909 1946 1936 1929 1895 1923

Aggregated results

Results from all iterations are aggregated and compared in the table below. There are 6 main cases. They are listed below and referenced in the table:
  • Case 1 - 36 characters length string, UUID is cached
  • Case 2 - 49 characters length string, UUID is cached and system time stamp is calculated each iteration
  • Case 3 - 49 characters length string, new UUID is generated on each iteration and system time stamp is calculated each iteration
  • Case 4 - 72 characters length string, UUID is cached
  • Case 5 - 85 characters length string, UUID is cached and system time stamp is calculated each iteration
  • Case 6 - 85 characters length string, new UUID is generated on each iteration and system time stamp is calculated each iteration
All times below are per 1 000 000 calculations:
Hash Case 1 (ms) Case 2 (ms) Case 3 (ms) Case 4 (ms) Case 5 (ms) Case 6 (ms)
MD5 627.4 765.6 1488.8 839 1029.4 1738.2
SHA-1 604 748.2 1325 916.8 1009.6 1632.4
SHA-256 737.8 851 1504.4 1168.2 1260 1963.6
SHA-512 1056.4 1158.8 1837.4 1118.4 1227.4 1923

Compare results

Some conclusions of the results based on two cases with short string (36 and 49 chars) and longer string (72 and 85 chars).
  • SHA-256 is faster with 31% than SHA-512 only when hashing small strings. When the string is longer SHA-512 is faster with 2.9%.
  • Time to get system time stamp is ~121.6 ms per 1M iterations.
  • Time to generate UUID is ~670.4 ms per 1M iterations.
  • SHA-1 is fastest hashing function with ~587.9 ms per 1M operations for short strings and 881.7 ms per 1M for longer strings.
  • MD5 is 7.6% slower than SHA-1 for short strings and 1.3% for longer strings.
  • SHA-256 is 15.5% slower than SHA-1 for short strings and 23.4% for longer strings.
  • SHA-512 is 51.7% slower that SHA-1 for short strings and 20% for longer.

Hash sizes

Important data to consider is hash size that is produced by each function:
  • MD5 produces 32 chars hash - 5f3a47d4c0f703c5d83265c3669f95e6
  • SHA-1 produces 40 chars hash - 2c5a70165585bd4409aedeea289628fa6074e17e
  • SHA-256 produces 64 chars hash - b6ba4d0a53ddc447b25cb32b154c47f33770d479869be794ccc94dffa1698cd0
  • SHA-512 produces 128 chars hash - 54cdb8ee95fa7264b7eca84766ecccde7fd9e3e00c8b8bf518e9fcff52ad061ad28cae49ec3a09144ee8f342666462743718b5a73215bee373ed6f3120d30351

Purpose of use

In specific case this research was made for hashed string will be passed as API request. It is constructed from API Key + Secret Key + current time in seconds. So if API Key is something like 15-20 chars, Secret Key is 10-15 chars and time is 10 chars, total length of string to hash is 35-45 chars. Since it is being passed as request param it is better to be as short as possible.

Select hash function

Based on all data so far SHA-256 is selected. It is from secure SHA-2 family. It is much faster than SHA-512 with shorter stings and it produces 64 chars hash.


The current post gives a comparison of MD5, SHA-1, SHA-256 and SHA-512 cryptographic hash functions. Important is that comparison is very dependant on specific implementation (Apache Commons Codec), the specific purpose of use (generate a secure token to be sent with API call). It is good MD5 and SHA-1 to be avoided as they are compromised and not secure. If their speed for given context is several times faster than secure SHA-2 ones and security is not that much important they can be chosen though. When choosing cryptographic hash function everything is up to a context of usage and benchmark tests for this context is needed.

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