Testing with Cypress – Code coverage with Istanbul

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Post summary: This article describes how to extract and process Istanbul code coverage, and generate HTML reports.

This post is part of a Cypress series, you can see all post from the series in Testing with Cypress – lessons learned in a complete framework. Examples code is located in cypress-testing-framework GitHub repository.

Code coverage instrumentation

In Testing with Cypress – Build a React application with Node.js backend is described how the application is instrumented to track code coverage. This is a very essential part, without it, measurement is not possible.

Code coverage capturing data

Capturing of code coverage results is done in cypress/support/core/cypress_code_coverage.js file. It is included in cypress/support/index.js file with import ‘./core/cypress_code_coverage’; statement. For each and every test suite separate file with coverage data is created. Depending on the application those files can get pretty big, and writing and reading them slows the tests. So code coverage is controlled with TEST_CODE_COVERAGE environment variable. By default, it is set to false. Once all tests are run and coverage data is saved then it has to be merged. Merging is invoked with yarn cypress:report command.

Code coverage report

An important prerequisite is to generate the code coverage report is to have nyc installed as a global NPM package. Since the paths in the container are not the same as the paths locally, in order to read correct sources there is reprocessing of the paths, DOCKER_CONTAINER_PATH is replaced with the current folder. You can see how code coverage looks like in Istanbul-report. For this particular example only save_person_spec.js has been run with yarn cypress:run –spec=’cypress/tests/persons/save_person_spec.js’ command.


Code coverage is not a crucial part of the whole QA process but is very nice to have feature. With code coverage, we can improve on our tests, make them cover bits of the code that we have missed during analysis and creating of the tests themselves.

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